Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Why Have SM Borofsky & Judge Susan Larabee and Now Two Appellate Attorneys Playing With My Child Support?

Incompetent and corrupt Judges, support magistrates and attorney are a big reason why our economy is hurting. In July 2011 SM Borofsky stated that Jose RM earned $230,000. At the time he calculated the incorrect child support amount. We should have been receiving an additional $400.00 bimonthly amount. Six months later Borofsky drastically reduces child support and makes it retroactive which means that in addition to the reduction I had to pay back money to the non-custodial parent who just six months earlier was earning $230,000! I then make an appeal and make the mistake of asking for a court appointed attorney. I made a motion to get Randal Carmel removed and got a more scarey attorney by the name of Larry Saul Bachner. Per the attachments according to Bachner my child's father earned $111,275. Yet Randal Carmel states that the father earned OVER 200,000. Both are wrong because he earned $230,000. Thanks to these incompetent "professionals" we qualify for food stamps and medicaid. The public should be outraged that their tax money is essentially being stolen with the help and thanks to above characters (Judge Susan Larabee, SM Borofsky, Larry Saul Bachner and Randal CArmel) and given to a man who is accustomed to earning $230,000. Preet Bharara your country needs you, our children need you, struggling single parents need you and 99% need you to INVESTIGATE what is going on in NY Family Courts NOW! The public should demand that these incompetent individuals be removed from any court, especially, family court.
Memorial Hermann, Judge Susan Larabee, Support Magistrate Lewis Borofsky, Randal CArmel, Larry Saul Bachner, Preet Bharara, Ben Affleck, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt,

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