Tuesday, October 14, 2014

My Respectable Billionaire Landlord and Child Support Appeals Case

My Respectable Not-for-Profit Billionaire Landlord and My Child Support Cases at Both the Family Court and at the Appeals Court in Manhattan My family and I moved to a privately owned HUD project in Manhattan on 8/1/2011. The HUD project is owned and managed by not-for-profit billionaire developer and landlord Adam Weinstein/Phipps Houses Group. Due to my experience I allege that the "do gooder" image that Adam Weinstein and Phipps Houses Group have is completely fake. I allege that if an investigation is conducted Adam Weinstein/Phipps Houses Group will be the Bernie Madoff of the not for profit housing. As you read the attached documents and letters you will see why it is imperative that a Federal Grand Jury iinvestigate Adam Weinstein and Phipps Houses Group and his infamous contractor, FJC Security Services. I am alleging that my billionaire not-for-profit landlord, Adam Weinstein/Phipps Houses and FJC Security Services are part of the Moreland Commission corruption plaque. To those of you who do not know about the Moreland Commission consider googling or reading the book William Galison wrote about the murder of his friend Sunny Sheud. Galison's testimoney at the Moreland Commission can be seen on Utube. You can learn about Lydia Radin's unrelentless harassment after she uncovered school loan fraud on her cable show that airs Fridays nights. There is also the article written about the arrest Seema Kalil on the day she was to testify at the Moreland Commission, the barbaric beating of activist Susannah Troy by the receptionist of a doctor who treats NY police officers and whom NYPD and Cy Vance are refusing to prosecute. There are countless others that the public is unaware of. Several months after moving into this hell hole I notified my billioniarei slumlord via two certified letters of a brown gooey substnace that had infested the bathroom ceilling. Soon after a Housing Preservation Development (HPD) inspector cited Phipps for mold. The "good doer" landlord refused to eradicate. End of Jan 2012 the brown gooey substance "mysteriously" disappeared. After the mold "mysteriously" disappeared I made a complaint to Housing Urban Development (HUD)as a result of my complaint the billionaire landlord had to upgrade the vents in two large buildings. This one and another one that is around the corner. This building has 33 floors with approximately 8 units on each floor. Each unit has at least two vents. This week Phipps in the process of continuing the upgrade for the vents. When I first moved here I was told that the building has an onsite social worker. I was shown the office (which demolished when lobby renovations were made in the lobby sometime around December 2013. I allege that the social worker was a no show or ghost position because in the time that I have been here I never saw ANYONE enter or leave the "supposed" social worker's office. Due to the mold problem in my unit I learned (and allege) that the company that billionaire weinstein contractors to test for mold is or was also ownded by the same individual(s) that he contracts to paint. V-Cloud does the painting and Consoliated Environmental tests for mold. Immediately Phipps began a retaliation campaign that started with a phone message giving me a 40 minute notice that contractors had been scheduled to clean my vents. This was the first and only time that Phipps informed me that they had scheduled contractors to do work in my unit. I informed Management that I had already planned my day and that that specific Friday, 2/3/2012 was not doable. I found the first of many fabricated and fraudulent letters that Phipps would leave at my door or mail to me at 5 pm on 2/3/12. The very same day that Phipps left a phone message giving me a 40 minute notice that contractors had been scheduled. In the first letter Phipps intentionally misuses the law, twisted the facts to make it appear as though I was breaking the lease agreement. While Phipps attempts to make it seem as though I was breaking the lease agreement it was Phipps that was breaking the law by failing to provide me with written advanced notice to access to my unit for contractors to do work . The second attempt resulted in a friviousl lawsuit because Weinstein/Phipps refused to reduce my rent when my unemployment benefits were exhausted and child support was drastcially reduced. When the attempts to get us illegally evicted failed I began to experience threats by building/neighborhood gang/crew members. On or about February 26, 2013 I did three quick back to back errands. For the moment I am going to leave out what happened first. Every time I left and entered the building a young black male was behind me. I thought coidences happen. On the third trip back up the young man and I were alone in the elevator. After the doors close he makes a gun sign and says, "assassin". Given what happened before I left the building (that I will later explain) the firt time coupled with the fact that the young man was always behind me every time I left and entered the building I took what he did in the elevator as a threat. This young man would resurace again after I sent Senator Kirsten Gillibrand a three page letter, an expired order of protection, one slip of one of several police reports, 911 Chronology of phone calls I made on the night of 9/6/13, copies of certified letters to FJC Security Services and my billionaire landlord Adam Weinstein. I made the mitake of asking Gillibrand for help to relocate and an investigation because NYPD stated that there is an NYPD policy that requires officer(s)/detective(s) must witness the harrasment before a detective is assigned to a case. None of the officers personally witnessed the harassment because the FJC Security Guard, specifically Junior Elie, would call the mob or strange men that they were sending up to our apartment without announcing them to let them know that NYPD had arrived. I am going to skip ahead to the child support case. On or about May 2012 I received a court order stating that child support was being drastically reduced. Support Magistrate (SM) brofosky decided violate the Family Court Act by using two paper copies of two paystubs and falsey claiming that I defaulted when in fact I was never served with court papers. In response to my Notice of Motion SM Borofsky states that I signed an Address Confidentiality Affidavit giving the court the burden to serve me with papers. I allege that SM Borofsky perjured himself because he was well aware that I signed the Address Confidentiality Affidavit in November 21, 2012. In other words I signed the Address Confidentiality Affidavit SEVEN (7) months AFTER SM Borofsky HAD already reduced child support. The Address Confidentiality Affidavit did not exist at the time that he drastically reduced child support yet here he was using it to justify the reduction. The same is true of Judge Susan Larabee when responding to the Objection to Support Magistrate Final Order that I submitted to the court on 8/15/2013. Judge Larabee disregard for the Family Court Act is also noticeable in her failure to address SM Borofsky failure making the father (who requested the downward modification) bare the burden of prove to have child support reduced with creditable financial documentation such as tax return, financials from the Social Security Administration, etc. I then appealed my case and made the mistake of requesting a court appointed attorney. First the appellate court attorney assigned was Randal Carmel. What a character. His story will follow... I made a motion to have Randal Carmel removed in June 2014. In August 2014 I got a letter from a Larry Saul Bachener informing me that he was my new appellate attorney. I was surprised to learn that the order was issued on 7/31/14 because on 7/31/14 I did several manual and computer searches. At no point did the Order surface. That was the first alarm. Then I get his letter from Bachner asking for my phone number and email address. That was the second alarm bell because I have given the court my address and home phone number. In the letter Bachner claims that he got the court record and that he was already working on my brief! Well, if he got the court record and was already working on my brief then he had my email address because I submitted a bunch of emails to and from Randal Carmel that contained my email address. I called Bachner several times but no one ever answerd the phone. I leave several voice messages but I never hear from Bachner. I then send Bachner certified letter #7013 2250 0000 6370 3900. According to the UPS Tracking history as of 8/25/14 Bachner had not claimed my certified letter. In one of my phone messages to Bachner I inform him that I sent him the certified letter because I wanted him to remove himself from the case at my request. When I called the Appeallate Court the Court Clerk told me that Bachner needed to do the motion. On 8/28/14 Bachner calls for the first time and leaves a disturbing message. In the message he introduces himself as my court appointed attorney. States that he was out of the country and that my brief was DONE! What's disturbing about this message is that Bachner and I never once spoke but yet my brief was done? How could Bachner possibily prepare a brief without ever speaking to his client? He also did my brief while he was out of the country. Does that mean he took the court record out of the country? Is this attorney so dedicated and devoted to my appeal that he would prepare it while out of the country? Within fifteen (15) minutes I return his call. I inform him that there is something wrong with an attorney who prepares a brief without ever having once spoken to his client. I inform him that I want him to do a motion to remove himself from the case but he refuses. I also inform him that I sent him the certified letter asking him to remove himself from the case. The letter went unclaimed. On 9/7/14 the USP Tracking history stated that the Bachner's unclaimed letter was on its way back to me. Roughyly three weeks later the letter was not retunred. I inquire at the post office with no results. I then call the 800.ask.usps and the unclaimed letter is "mysteriously" lost. On Tuesday, September 29the Elizabeth Corrbett asked me to email the USPS history of the certified letter I sent Bachner. The following morning Elizabeth Corbett claimed she did not get my email. She then told me that she was sending me a blank email so that I would have her mail and email the USPS tracking information she claimed she did not receive. I made the mistaken of opening Elizabeth email and that day my computer lit up like a christmas tree. That was the only email that I had opened in days. Prior to her email the computer did not have a virus... I am attaching the letters to and from Bachner, audio of his phone message on 8/28/14, and one or two other conversations with him and Elizabeth Corbett from the USPS, certified letter to Judge Luis A. Gonzalez requesting that the court provide me with a copy of the brief that Larry Saul Bachner submitted to the court on 9/2/14. On 9/8/14 I called the court and found out that Bachner had submitted a brief without my knowledg or consent. I had to write to Judge Gonzalez to request a copy of the brief because Bachner had not provided me with one. On 9/30/14 I made the terrible mistake of calling Roger Adler, the attorney who is allegedly investigating mayor bill de blasio's campaign donations/NYCLASS. I made this mistake after NYPD Intelligence called my house. I was amazed that Roger Adler took so much time to talk to me. I attaching audio where Adler is asking me about my last job. Was it a not for profit? Why was I terminated? What did my last job have to do with my reason for calling him? He tells me to call him back at 6:00 or 6:30 and the fool that I am I DO!! He answer the office by saying Roger Adler's office and he thanks ME for calling HIM?? What was I thinking? I very much regart ever calling Roger Adler. He left me with a bad taste in my mouth. To be continued..
2.bp.blogspot.com/-ex2GSuILHe0/VD2GbnZRcSI/AAAAAAAAAGg/gXM5y00Kqlo/s1600/USPSTrackr9-9-14.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">

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