Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Day Roger Adler Mentally Raped Me

On September 24, 2014 at 5:56 pm I got a hang up from NYPD Intelligence Division (718.765.4333). We live in Manhattan, so I figured the 718 area code meant it was near my son's school, Brooklyn Technical High School, where Dante also attends. After the NYPD called and hung up, we did not get any more calls from them on that day.

It was later learned that on 9/24/14 a senior at Brooklyn Technical High School had misplaced her bag AFTER the school day ended. Someone found the bag and took it to a nearby precinct. For some odd reason NYPD Intelligence Division decided that letting this young lady know that they had her bag was a priority. NYPD Intelligence Division called at least three Tech seniors, including my son, none of whom are close with the girl in question.

At 4:26 pm on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 NYPD Intelligence Division (718.765.4333) once again called and hung up. Two minutes later, 4:28 pm NYPD Intelligence Division (718.765.4333) called again. This time a "Det. Fitzgerald" left a message. You can hear the message on YouTube.

Fitzgerald states that he is calling regarding a letter I wrote to Mayor Bill de Blasio on August 9, 2014. I wrote the 8/9/14 letter as the parent of the classmate of Dante de Blasio. Prior to the 8/9/14 letter, I had sent de Blasio several certified letters asking for help because three years ago my billionaire landlord began a retaliation campaign after I reported him to HUD. When the retaliation began I wrote to HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan asking for his help. Donovan has NEVER helped nor has ANYONE from HUD.

The retaliation has escalated to a criminal level and de Blasio has ignored all of my many letters. I later learned via an artictle in the Wall Street Journal that de Blasio was considering making my billionaire landlord an appointee for his affordable housing plan.

The essence of the August 9, 2014 letter was the rhetoric that de Blasio repeated, "Tale of Two Cities." In my letter I point out that Dante represents the wealthy and powerful and my child represents the poor and powerless.

I am especially scared of this phone call because on September 22, 2014 I submitted a complaint/lawsuit at the Southern District Courthouse and I name Mayor Bill de Blasio and his associate, my billionaire landlord as respondents. On September 30, 2014 I reached out to several individuals. One of the individuals I regrettably reached out to was Roger Adler. Adler is the attorney who is supposedly investigating Mayor Bill de Blasio's good friends at the Working Families Party in an alleged WFP campaign finance abuse probe.

As vulnerable as I was I had enough sense to record the conversations. After listening to the audios I came to regret calling this creepy and unethical man. As a well seasoned attorney Roger Adler should NEVER have engaged in any type of conversation with me, especially because Roger Adler knew that I was vulnerable. I was vulnerable because my son was taking longer than usual to get home, so I was worried that something had happened.

I am alleging, via what I write and in the YouTube video, that Roger Adler was secretly lawyering. The questions that Adler asked are very strange — the questions he asked me about my son and me have nothing to do with the conversation and my reason for contacting him.

Listen to Roger Adler's words ask yourself why Roger Adler is asking me questions about my child's life and my own. Adler probed into my child's personal life by asking questions pertaining to my child's school schedule and after school activities. He did the same with me when asking me all sorts of questions about my last job, Adler says, "No, I am just asking about the last job." Why? What does my last job have to do with the retaliation?

I allege that Roger Adler was aware of my vulnerability and took advantage of it to lawyer and probe into my child's life and mine. The question that any reasonable person has to ask is why Adler took so much time to talk to me? Why was Adler asking me these questions that had nothing to do with my reason for calling him?

Some questions he asked about my son are:

1. What time are his classes over? When I do not give Roger Adler a direct answer or one that satisfies him, his tone of voice becomes more demanding and aggressive. Adler says: Let me repeat myself, "WHAT TIME OF DAY ARE HIS CLASSES OVER?"
2. Does he usually come directly home?
3. Does he stop off and hang out with friends?
4. Does he have a cell phone?

Adler's questions about me:
1. Do you currently have a job?
2. When was the last time you had a job?
3. What kind of job did you have - I answer ADMINISTRATIVE and Adler asks me, "What does that mean?" As a well-seasoned lawyer it is perfectly understandable how he would not know what 'administrative' means—not.
4. In the private sector, in the not for profit sector, government, etc? When I tell Adler that I have experience in the not for profit sector Adler makes the following statement: "No, I am just asking about the last job." Why and what does it matter to Adler what I did in my last job? What was Adler trying to get me to say?
5. Did you resign?
6. Did they ask you to LEAVE?
7. Did you live off unemployment?
8. Did you apply for public assistance?
9. What do you want to do?

I invite you to watch the YouTube video of our conversation. All of these questions were out of line. I contacted Adler regarding the retaliation I have been experiencing by my billionaire landlord and Mayor de Blasio using NYPD Intelligence as an intimidation tactic.

Yes I was worried about my son, but the focus of the conversation should have been about the retaliation. Not my child's schedule and not my last job. Adler points out that it's around 5:30 pm, but insists on knowing exactly when my son's classes end; no school day end past 4:30, so that question is especially out of place.

The questions concerning me are also very out of place. I did not call him regarding finding a job, my old jobs, or anything to that nature, so why is he questioning me about my career? Perhaps he was trying to judge my sanity, but that's unlikely considering the questions he asked about my son. He also asked why I am not on Public Assistance, but again the topic of our conversation was NYPD and Mayor de Blasio, not my job or financial situation, so why is he bringing this up? All this should prove that he was in fact secretly lawyering me.

While Adler does not come straight out and asked me why I wrote to HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan, he certainly does question me about it. I think it's possible that my landlord had some influence over Adler's behavior and conduct on 9/30/14. I allege that Roger Adler's behavior via his conversations with me and his probing questions about my child and me are highly unethical. Yet he, Roger Adler, is entrusted to investigate Mayor Bill de Blasio's good friends at the Working Families Party.

Preet Bharara, we need trustworthy and ethical investigators to investigate corruption. Listen to the audio and ask yourself if Roger Adler deserves to be entrusted with any type of investigation. Personally, I think that Roger Adler is one of the many that needs to be investigated. Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

For more information about Roger Adler, read this article.

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