Sunday, October 19, 2014

On July 31, 2014 I checked the First Department internet site to see if an order had been issued for a new appellate attorney.  I did three manual and three computer searches.  At no point did an order for my case surface.

Several days later I get a letter from Larry Saul Bachner introducing himself as my appellate attorney. The letter from Bachner was a surprise because on July 31, 2014 an order for a court appointmented attorney for my case never surfaced.  In the letter Bachner states that in one day (the letter is dated 8/1/14) he got the court record ad that he was working on the brief. 

In the same letter Bachner asks for my phone number and email address. I found that odd because my phone number and email address are contained in the court record which Bachner claimed to have in his possession.  After receiving Bachner's letter I called him several times and I always got a recording.  I left several messages that Bachner never retuned.  In one of my messages I inform Bachner that I have sent him a certified letter asking him to remove himself from the case at my request. 

I finally hear from Bachner on 8/28/14.  Bachner leaves a phone message stating the following:

1. Introduces himself as my appellate attorney
2. States that he has been out of the country
3. Tells me the brief is DONE!

Now this is Bachner speaking not me (I will be posting his 8/28/14 phone message on Youtube for all to hear).  The fact that he is introducing himself to me as my appellate attorney means that we have not spoken, otherwise why would he be introducing himself?  Then add in the fact that he has been out of the country.  Now ask yourself how is it that Bachner never spoke to his client, me, yet the brief is DONE? 

Within 15 minutes of getting Bachner's phone message I return his call.  I inform him that I left several messages that he never returned.  I also tell him that I sent him a certified letter on 8/12/14 that at my request he should remove himself from the case.  Bachner REFUSES!  Bachner also refuses to accept the certified letter that I sent him.

Tax payers should demand that judges like susan larabee, slime ball lewis borofsky, slime balls like larry saul bachner and randal carmel never step a foot in any court house.  Thanks to larabee and borofsky my child and I qualify for food stamps and Medicare.  Hard to accept when the non-custodial parent has a history of earning $230,000!  Take action America and demand that these types of characters not be allowed to practice law!    

Link to Youtube video of conversation with slimy appellate attorney larry saul bachner -

Any reasonable person would have to ask how is it that Bachner is calling his client to introduce himself as their attorney and claim that the brief is done?  The fact that he is introducing himself as my attorney speaks for itself.  Now to that scenario the fact that he was been out of the country.  Something is very stinky with Larry Saul Bachner...

My brief is not some fast food order and what I have to contribute is as important as what is contained in the brief.  Bachner may think my brief is chopped liver but I don't!

On or about Sept 9, 2014 it occurs to me that someone as unethical as Bachner is capable of submitting a brief without informing me. At 4:38 pm I called the First Department and I learned from Mr. Dickenson that Bachner filed a brief on 9/2/2014.  At no point did Bachner tell me he was filing the brief nor did he provide me with a copy of the brief.

On Sept 4, 2014 the USPS Tracking history of the certified letter I sent Bachner states that it is being sent back to me (because it was unclaimed).  On Sept 22, 2014 I asked one of the clerks at post who about the returned unclaimed letter  to Bachner.  I was told that the letter for some "mysterious" reason went back to the 33rd post office.

On 9/23/14 I call 800.ask.usps and spoke to a woman by the name of Karen.  After providing Karen with the certified letter #70132250000063703900 she said that the letter was returned unclaimed on 9/4/14.  After checking Karen says that the letter is at parcel #10199 which is the 33rd & 8th Ave post office.  Karen provides me with case #CA119527060.  I am told that I should be hearing from customer service. Not hearing from USPS Customer Service I again call 800 ask usps on 9/26/14 @ roughly 3 pm I speak to John who escalated my case.

Attached are two USPS Tracking history.  One is dated  9/9/14 which contains the history of the letter; it's the one with the receipt attached to it at the bottom.  The other one is dated 10/14/14 and all of the history of has been removed.  I will be uploading audio of conversation I had with USPS Consumer Affairs, Elizabeth Corbett on youtube in a few days.

Attached are copies from two different briefs that two appellate appointed attorneys filed.  Larry Saul Bachner is so inept that he uses inaccurate information.  According to larry saul bacher  Jose RM earned 111,275.00 while randal carmel states that Jose RM earned OVER 200,000. Both appellate attorneys are wrong because what slimy SM Borofsky said Jose RM earned was $230,000.

I allege that larry saul bachner is intentionally giving the wrong salary amount for Jose RM because if you calculate the $230,000. and compare it the child support that slimy borofsky calculated borofsky shorted the child support payments by roughly $400 per month.

Another example that larry saul bachner is cleaning up after slimy support magistrate borofsky is that borofsky ORDERED me to serve Jose RM via certified mail. Having previously followed borofsky's instructions the USPS AGAIN managed to lose the certified mail that slime ball borofsky instructed me to do.  Having learned my lesson (that the USPS stinks) and exercising my rights I got a process server.  When slime ball support magistrate lewis brofosky learned that I had gotten a process server he was not pleased with me or the fact that I exercise my rights to get a process server.

I got a kick out of larry saul bachner saying that slime ball lewis borofsky "SUGGESTED" that I use certified mail!  I allege that slimy larry saul bachner is cleaning up after slime ball lewis borofsky "mistakes".

What's very interesting is that both the process server and the USPS have stated that Jose RM moved from his Braves Valleydrive address in Houston Texas! Yet, in their briefs both larry saul bachner and randal carmel claim that they served JOse RM with the briefs!

Last but not least slimy larry saul bachner couldn't even spell my name.  My name has five letters.  In the brief bachner spells my name Myra and on a big yellow envelope bachner spells my name M O Y R A!  How did he make it through law school?  Let me guess...

Link to Youtube - audio of Elizabeth Corbett conversation to follow...

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