Tuesday, October 14, 2014

My Billionaire HUD Landlord & Mayor Bill de Blasio

On 10/1/14 Suzannah B. Troy wrote a story about us on her blog. This is the link to Suzannah's blog: http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2014/10/mayor-de-blasio-using-nypd-intelligence.html?m=1 Please read about Suzannah's savage beating by the receptionist of a doctor who treats NYPD personnel. Even though there is video evidence of the brutal beating NYPD and Cy Vance are refusing to press charges against Hooks. Those are powerful connections Ms. Hooks has... On 9/22/14 I submitted a complaint or initiated a lawsuit where I name Bill de Blasio as a respondent. On 9/24/14 I got a hung up call from the NYPD Intelligence Division. On 9/30/14, the same day that I spoke to Elizabeth Corbett and Roger Adler, I got one hung up call and two minutes later a message from Det. Fitzpatrick. On the morning of 10/3/14 out of desperation I called Patrick Lynch to try and get help. Ann or Anna asked me to fax the letter I wrote to de blasio on 8/9/14 which I did. After receiving the letter Ann or Anna said I shouldn't worry because I did nothing wrong. I never heard from Patrick Lynch. At 11:22 am on 10/3/14 I got a call from 111.222.3333. A woman left a message saying, "If you called the police, the sergeant is downstairs." On 10/3/14 I never called 911. mayor bill de blasio I know you are reading my blog, tell the truth did you have anything to do with the phone call from 111.222.3333? I take that back I just realized that asking you to tell the truth must be a big challenge for you. Please know that I so regret voting for you. Following is what Suzannah B. Troy wrote on her blog: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Mayor de Blasio using NYPD Intelligence Det to harass Dante's classmate's mother? Mayor de Blasio using NYPD Intelligence Det to harass/spy on Dante's classmate's mother? Under Mayor Bloomberg it seems that New York City's became the city of retaliation resembling Communist Russia or China but not the democracy our founding Fathers Mothers fought for. Alledely an uncool HUD billionaire "not for profit landlord" with a good guy image like all billionaires New York City have -- hardy har har, tried to silence this Mom who make complaints about mold and also young gang members threatening her including in the elevator of the building. Young gang member follows the mom in and out of the building three times one day and finally got into the elevator with her alone!!! He held his hand like a gun and pointed at her in the elevator! He said assassin. The mom and him were the only two people in the elevator!!! (718) 765-4334 NYPD in a NY, USA The Mom showed me her apartment door appears as if someone tried to jimmied open last night!!!! The Mom showed me the videos of the police calling so I called the number and it's the NYPD intelligence division which I believe is part of the division that protects the mayor who I have had a lot of interaction with when I protested Mayor Bloomberg. (718) 765-4334 NY, USA from her phone. Why all the hangups??? The NYPD intelligence division called but they hung up no message Sept 24 on September 24 a female student at Brooklyn Tech misplaced her bag outside after school. She's a senior at Dante's school. Someone found the bag and took it to the NYPD the precinct near the school. So NYPD started calling students at random including this Mom's son who doesn't know the girl and is not known to be a friend of the girl, has never socialized to with the girl... Why call her son? Fellow students got phone calls from the NYPD because apparently the cops are trying to track down this girl let her know they has her bag. Yesterday at 4:26 PM NYPD Det Fitzgerald? from the intelligence called same phone number and hung up they called at 4: 29 two minutes later a detective Fitzgerald left a message saying that he was calling on behalf of mayor de Blasio regarding a letter that the mother wrote mayor de Blasio on August 9 --- she wrote this letter to mayor de Blasio as a parent of a classmate of dante's. She and her son were returning from the supermarket and a gang member she alleges was trailing them and that the video for the building picked it up. In her letter to mayor she contrasted that with the Dante watching fireworks in an NYPD boat under the Brooklyn Bridge, a tale of two cities. She feels fearful because it's not safe to walk to the supermarket with her son because of gang members. Other people have expressed upset and even the sense of betrayal and they're desperate for the mayor to help them... Will NYPD Det Fitzpatrick help or further intimidate her? This landlord that is intimidating her is one of the landlords that mayor de Blasio was considering for his affordable housing plan. Happily the. creepy landlord did not get it Will there be more intimidation now by the NYPD for this mom is asking the mayor for help not intimidation.
ps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=em please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. > https://vine.co/v/M3A9b3ehni0 > Vid 4 second highlights Vine Posted by Suzannah B. Troy artist at 10:57 AM

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