Sunday, October 19, 2014

On July 31, 2014 I checked the First Department internet site to see if an order had been issued for a new appellate attorney.  I did three manual and three computer searches.  At no point did an order for my case surface.

Several days later I get a letter from Larry Saul Bachner introducing himself as my appellate attorney. The letter from Bachner was a surprise because on July 31, 2014 an order for a court appointmented attorney for my case never surfaced.  In the letter Bachner states that in one day (the letter is dated 8/1/14) he got the court record ad that he was working on the brief. 

In the same letter Bachner asks for my phone number and email address. I found that odd because my phone number and email address are contained in the court record which Bachner claimed to have in his possession.  After receiving Bachner's letter I called him several times and I always got a recording.  I left several messages that Bachner never retuned.  In one of my messages I inform Bachner that I have sent him a certified letter asking him to remove himself from the case at my request. 

I finally hear from Bachner on 8/28/14.  Bachner leaves a phone message stating the following:

1. Introduces himself as my appellate attorney
2. States that he has been out of the country
3. Tells me the brief is DONE!

Now this is Bachner speaking not me (I will be posting his 8/28/14 phone message on Youtube for all to hear).  The fact that he is introducing himself to me as my appellate attorney means that we have not spoken, otherwise why would he be introducing himself?  Then add in the fact that he has been out of the country.  Now ask yourself how is it that Bachner never spoke to his client, me, yet the brief is DONE? 

Within 15 minutes of getting Bachner's phone message I return his call.  I inform him that I left several messages that he never returned.  I also tell him that I sent him a certified letter on 8/12/14 that at my request he should remove himself from the case.  Bachner REFUSES!  Bachner also refuses to accept the certified letter that I sent him.

Tax payers should demand that judges like susan larabee, slime ball lewis borofsky, slime balls like larry saul bachner and randal carmel never step a foot in any court house.  Thanks to larabee and borofsky my child and I qualify for food stamps and Medicare.  Hard to accept when the non-custodial parent has a history of earning $230,000!  Take action America and demand that these types of characters not be allowed to practice law!    

Link to Youtube video of conversation with slimy appellate attorney larry saul bachner -

Any reasonable person would have to ask how is it that Bachner is calling his client to introduce himself as their attorney and claim that the brief is done?  The fact that he is introducing himself as my attorney speaks for itself.  Now to that scenario the fact that he was been out of the country.  Something is very stinky with Larry Saul Bachner...

My brief is not some fast food order and what I have to contribute is as important as what is contained in the brief.  Bachner may think my brief is chopped liver but I don't!

On or about Sept 9, 2014 it occurs to me that someone as unethical as Bachner is capable of submitting a brief without informing me. At 4:38 pm I called the First Department and I learned from Mr. Dickenson that Bachner filed a brief on 9/2/2014.  At no point did Bachner tell me he was filing the brief nor did he provide me with a copy of the brief.

On Sept 4, 2014 the USPS Tracking history of the certified letter I sent Bachner states that it is being sent back to me (because it was unclaimed).  On Sept 22, 2014 I asked one of the clerks at post who about the returned unclaimed letter  to Bachner.  I was told that the letter for some "mysterious" reason went back to the 33rd post office.

On 9/23/14 I call 800.ask.usps and spoke to a woman by the name of Karen.  After providing Karen with the certified letter #70132250000063703900 she said that the letter was returned unclaimed on 9/4/14.  After checking Karen says that the letter is at parcel #10199 which is the 33rd & 8th Ave post office.  Karen provides me with case #CA119527060.  I am told that I should be hearing from customer service. Not hearing from USPS Customer Service I again call 800 ask usps on 9/26/14 @ roughly 3 pm I speak to John who escalated my case.

Attached are two USPS Tracking history.  One is dated  9/9/14 which contains the history of the letter; it's the one with the receipt attached to it at the bottom.  The other one is dated 10/14/14 and all of the history of has been removed.  I will be uploading audio of conversation I had with USPS Consumer Affairs, Elizabeth Corbett on youtube in a few days.

Attached are copies from two different briefs that two appellate appointed attorneys filed.  Larry Saul Bachner is so inept that he uses inaccurate information.  According to larry saul bacher  Jose RM earned 111,275.00 while randal carmel states that Jose RM earned OVER 200,000. Both appellate attorneys are wrong because what slimy SM Borofsky said Jose RM earned was $230,000.

I allege that larry saul bachner is intentionally giving the wrong salary amount for Jose RM because if you calculate the $230,000. and compare it the child support that slimy borofsky calculated borofsky shorted the child support payments by roughly $400 per month.

Another example that larry saul bachner is cleaning up after slimy support magistrate borofsky is that borofsky ORDERED me to serve Jose RM via certified mail. Having previously followed borofsky's instructions the USPS AGAIN managed to lose the certified mail that slime ball borofsky instructed me to do.  Having learned my lesson (that the USPS stinks) and exercising my rights I got a process server.  When slime ball support magistrate lewis brofosky learned that I had gotten a process server he was not pleased with me or the fact that I exercise my rights to get a process server.

I got a kick out of larry saul bachner saying that slime ball lewis borofsky "SUGGESTED" that I use certified mail!  I allege that slimy larry saul bachner is cleaning up after slime ball lewis borofsky "mistakes".

What's very interesting is that both the process server and the USPS have stated that Jose RM moved from his Braves Valleydrive address in Houston Texas! Yet, in their briefs both larry saul bachner and randal carmel claim that they served JOse RM with the briefs!

Last but not least slimy larry saul bachner couldn't even spell my name.  My name has five letters.  In the brief bachner spells my name Myra and on a big yellow envelope bachner spells my name M O Y R A!  How did he make it through law school?  Let me guess...

Link to Youtube - audio of Elizabeth Corbett conversation to follow...

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Day Roger Adler Mentally Raped Me

On September 24, 2014 at 5:56 pm I got a hang up from NYPD Intelligence Division (718.765.4333). We live in Manhattan, so I figured the 718 area code meant it was near my son's school, Brooklyn Technical High School, where Dante also attends. After the NYPD called and hung up, we did not get any more calls from them on that day.

It was later learned that on 9/24/14 a senior at Brooklyn Technical High School had misplaced her bag AFTER the school day ended. Someone found the bag and took it to a nearby precinct. For some odd reason NYPD Intelligence Division decided that letting this young lady know that they had her bag was a priority. NYPD Intelligence Division called at least three Tech seniors, including my son, none of whom are close with the girl in question.

At 4:26 pm on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 NYPD Intelligence Division (718.765.4333) once again called and hung up. Two minutes later, 4:28 pm NYPD Intelligence Division (718.765.4333) called again. This time a "Det. Fitzgerald" left a message. You can hear the message on YouTube.

Fitzgerald states that he is calling regarding a letter I wrote to Mayor Bill de Blasio on August 9, 2014. I wrote the 8/9/14 letter as the parent of the classmate of Dante de Blasio. Prior to the 8/9/14 letter, I had sent de Blasio several certified letters asking for help because three years ago my billionaire landlord began a retaliation campaign after I reported him to HUD. When the retaliation began I wrote to HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan asking for his help. Donovan has NEVER helped nor has ANYONE from HUD.

The retaliation has escalated to a criminal level and de Blasio has ignored all of my many letters. I later learned via an artictle in the Wall Street Journal that de Blasio was considering making my billionaire landlord an appointee for his affordable housing plan.

The essence of the August 9, 2014 letter was the rhetoric that de Blasio repeated, "Tale of Two Cities." In my letter I point out that Dante represents the wealthy and powerful and my child represents the poor and powerless.

I am especially scared of this phone call because on September 22, 2014 I submitted a complaint/lawsuit at the Southern District Courthouse and I name Mayor Bill de Blasio and his associate, my billionaire landlord as respondents. On September 30, 2014 I reached out to several individuals. One of the individuals I regrettably reached out to was Roger Adler. Adler is the attorney who is supposedly investigating Mayor Bill de Blasio's good friends at the Working Families Party in an alleged WFP campaign finance abuse probe.

As vulnerable as I was I had enough sense to record the conversations. After listening to the audios I came to regret calling this creepy and unethical man. As a well seasoned attorney Roger Adler should NEVER have engaged in any type of conversation with me, especially because Roger Adler knew that I was vulnerable. I was vulnerable because my son was taking longer than usual to get home, so I was worried that something had happened.

I am alleging, via what I write and in the YouTube video, that Roger Adler was secretly lawyering. The questions that Adler asked are very strange — the questions he asked me about my son and me have nothing to do with the conversation and my reason for contacting him.

Listen to Roger Adler's words ask yourself why Roger Adler is asking me questions about my child's life and my own. Adler probed into my child's personal life by asking questions pertaining to my child's school schedule and after school activities. He did the same with me when asking me all sorts of questions about my last job, Adler says, "No, I am just asking about the last job." Why? What does my last job have to do with the retaliation?

I allege that Roger Adler was aware of my vulnerability and took advantage of it to lawyer and probe into my child's life and mine. The question that any reasonable person has to ask is why Adler took so much time to talk to me? Why was Adler asking me these questions that had nothing to do with my reason for calling him?

Some questions he asked about my son are:

1. What time are his classes over? When I do not give Roger Adler a direct answer or one that satisfies him, his tone of voice becomes more demanding and aggressive. Adler says: Let me repeat myself, "WHAT TIME OF DAY ARE HIS CLASSES OVER?"
2. Does he usually come directly home?
3. Does he stop off and hang out with friends?
4. Does he have a cell phone?

Adler's questions about me:
1. Do you currently have a job?
2. When was the last time you had a job?
3. What kind of job did you have - I answer ADMINISTRATIVE and Adler asks me, "What does that mean?" As a well-seasoned lawyer it is perfectly understandable how he would not know what 'administrative' means—not.
4. In the private sector, in the not for profit sector, government, etc? When I tell Adler that I have experience in the not for profit sector Adler makes the following statement: "No, I am just asking about the last job." Why and what does it matter to Adler what I did in my last job? What was Adler trying to get me to say?
5. Did you resign?
6. Did they ask you to LEAVE?
7. Did you live off unemployment?
8. Did you apply for public assistance?
9. What do you want to do?

I invite you to watch the YouTube video of our conversation. All of these questions were out of line. I contacted Adler regarding the retaliation I have been experiencing by my billionaire landlord and Mayor de Blasio using NYPD Intelligence as an intimidation tactic.

Yes I was worried about my son, but the focus of the conversation should have been about the retaliation. Not my child's schedule and not my last job. Adler points out that it's around 5:30 pm, but insists on knowing exactly when my son's classes end; no school day end past 4:30, so that question is especially out of place.

The questions concerning me are also very out of place. I did not call him regarding finding a job, my old jobs, or anything to that nature, so why is he questioning me about my career? Perhaps he was trying to judge my sanity, but that's unlikely considering the questions he asked about my son. He also asked why I am not on Public Assistance, but again the topic of our conversation was NYPD and Mayor de Blasio, not my job or financial situation, so why is he bringing this up? All this should prove that he was in fact secretly lawyering me.

While Adler does not come straight out and asked me why I wrote to HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan, he certainly does question me about it. I think it's possible that my landlord had some influence over Adler's behavior and conduct on 9/30/14. I allege that Roger Adler's behavior via his conversations with me and his probing questions about my child and me are highly unethical. Yet he, Roger Adler, is entrusted to investigate Mayor Bill de Blasio's good friends at the Working Families Party.

Preet Bharara, we need trustworthy and ethical investigators to investigate corruption. Listen to the audio and ask yourself if Roger Adler deserves to be entrusted with any type of investigation. Personally, I think that Roger Adler is one of the many that needs to be investigated. Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

For more information about Roger Adler, read this article.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Why Have SM Borofsky & Judge Susan Larabee and Now Two Appellate Attorneys Playing With My Child Support?

Incompetent and corrupt Judges, support magistrates and attorney are a big reason why our economy is hurting. In July 2011 SM Borofsky stated that Jose RM earned $230,000. At the time he calculated the incorrect child support amount. We should have been receiving an additional $400.00 bimonthly amount. Six months later Borofsky drastically reduces child support and makes it retroactive which means that in addition to the reduction I had to pay back money to the non-custodial parent who just six months earlier was earning $230,000! I then make an appeal and make the mistake of asking for a court appointed attorney. I made a motion to get Randal Carmel removed and got a more scarey attorney by the name of Larry Saul Bachner. Per the attachments according to Bachner my child's father earned $111,275. Yet Randal Carmel states that the father earned OVER 200,000. Both are wrong because he earned $230,000. Thanks to these incompetent "professionals" we qualify for food stamps and medicaid. The public should be outraged that their tax money is essentially being stolen with the help and thanks to above characters (Judge Susan Larabee, SM Borofsky, Larry Saul Bachner and Randal CArmel) and given to a man who is accustomed to earning $230,000. Preet Bharara your country needs you, our children need you, struggling single parents need you and 99% need you to INVESTIGATE what is going on in NY Family Courts NOW! The public should demand that these incompetent individuals be removed from any court, especially, family court.
Memorial Hermann, Judge Susan Larabee, Support Magistrate Lewis Borofsky, Randal CArmel, Larry Saul Bachner, Preet Bharara, Ben Affleck, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt,

My Billionaire HUD Landlord & Mayor Bill de Blasio

On 10/1/14 Suzannah B. Troy wrote a story about us on her blog. This is the link to Suzannah's blog: Please read about Suzannah's savage beating by the receptionist of a doctor who treats NYPD personnel. Even though there is video evidence of the brutal beating NYPD and Cy Vance are refusing to press charges against Hooks. Those are powerful connections Ms. Hooks has... On 9/22/14 I submitted a complaint or initiated a lawsuit where I name Bill de Blasio as a respondent. On 9/24/14 I got a hung up call from the NYPD Intelligence Division. On 9/30/14, the same day that I spoke to Elizabeth Corbett and Roger Adler, I got one hung up call and two minutes later a message from Det. Fitzpatrick. On the morning of 10/3/14 out of desperation I called Patrick Lynch to try and get help. Ann or Anna asked me to fax the letter I wrote to de blasio on 8/9/14 which I did. After receiving the letter Ann or Anna said I shouldn't worry because I did nothing wrong. I never heard from Patrick Lynch. At 11:22 am on 10/3/14 I got a call from 111.222.3333. A woman left a message saying, "If you called the police, the sergeant is downstairs." On 10/3/14 I never called 911. mayor bill de blasio I know you are reading my blog, tell the truth did you have anything to do with the phone call from 111.222.3333? I take that back I just realized that asking you to tell the truth must be a big challenge for you. Please know that I so regret voting for you. Following is what Suzannah B. Troy wrote on her blog: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Mayor de Blasio using NYPD Intelligence Det to harass Dante's classmate's mother? Mayor de Blasio using NYPD Intelligence Det to harass/spy on Dante's classmate's mother? Under Mayor Bloomberg it seems that New York City's became the city of retaliation resembling Communist Russia or China but not the democracy our founding Fathers Mothers fought for. Alledely an uncool HUD billionaire "not for profit landlord" with a good guy image like all billionaires New York City have -- hardy har har, tried to silence this Mom who make complaints about mold and also young gang members threatening her including in the elevator of the building. Young gang member follows the mom in and out of the building three times one day and finally got into the elevator with her alone!!! He held his hand like a gun and pointed at her in the elevator! He said assassin. The mom and him were the only two people in the elevator!!! (718) 765-4334 NYPD in a NY, USA The Mom showed me her apartment door appears as if someone tried to jimmied open last night!!!! The Mom showed me the videos of the police calling so I called the number and it's the NYPD intelligence division which I believe is part of the division that protects the mayor who I have had a lot of interaction with when I protested Mayor Bloomberg. (718) 765-4334 NY, USA from her phone. Why all the hangups??? The NYPD intelligence division called but they hung up no message Sept 24 on September 24 a female student at Brooklyn Tech misplaced her bag outside after school. She's a senior at Dante's school. Someone found the bag and took it to the NYPD the precinct near the school. So NYPD started calling students at random including this Mom's son who doesn't know the girl and is not known to be a friend of the girl, has never socialized to with the girl... Why call her son? Fellow students got phone calls from the NYPD because apparently the cops are trying to track down this girl let her know they has her bag. Yesterday at 4:26 PM NYPD Det Fitzgerald? from the intelligence called same phone number and hung up they called at 4: 29 two minutes later a detective Fitzgerald left a message saying that he was calling on behalf of mayor de Blasio regarding a letter that the mother wrote mayor de Blasio on August 9 --- she wrote this letter to mayor de Blasio as a parent of a classmate of dante's. She and her son were returning from the supermarket and a gang member she alleges was trailing them and that the video for the building picked it up. In her letter to mayor she contrasted that with the Dante watching fireworks in an NYPD boat under the Brooklyn Bridge, a tale of two cities. She feels fearful because it's not safe to walk to the supermarket with her son because of gang members. Other people have expressed upset and even the sense of betrayal and they're desperate for the mayor to help them... Will NYPD Det Fitzpatrick help or further intimidate her? This landlord that is intimidating her is one of the landlords that mayor de Blasio was considering for his affordable housing plan. Happily the. creepy landlord did not get it Will there be more intimidation now by the NYPD for this mom is asking the mayor for help not intimidation.
ps please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. > > Vid 4 second highlights Vine Posted by Suzannah B. Troy artist at 10:57 AM

My Respectable Billionaire Landlord and Child Support Appeals Case

My Respectable Not-for-Profit Billionaire Landlord and My Child Support Cases at Both the Family Court and at the Appeals Court in Manhattan My family and I moved to a privately owned HUD project in Manhattan on 8/1/2011. The HUD project is owned and managed by not-for-profit billionaire developer and landlord Adam Weinstein/Phipps Houses Group. Due to my experience I allege that the "do gooder" image that Adam Weinstein and Phipps Houses Group have is completely fake. I allege that if an investigation is conducted Adam Weinstein/Phipps Houses Group will be the Bernie Madoff of the not for profit housing. As you read the attached documents and letters you will see why it is imperative that a Federal Grand Jury iinvestigate Adam Weinstein and Phipps Houses Group and his infamous contractor, FJC Security Services. I am alleging that my billionaire not-for-profit landlord, Adam Weinstein/Phipps Houses and FJC Security Services are part of the Moreland Commission corruption plaque. To those of you who do not know about the Moreland Commission consider googling or reading the book William Galison wrote about the murder of his friend Sunny Sheud. Galison's testimoney at the Moreland Commission can be seen on Utube. You can learn about Lydia Radin's unrelentless harassment after she uncovered school loan fraud on her cable show that airs Fridays nights. There is also the article written about the arrest Seema Kalil on the day she was to testify at the Moreland Commission, the barbaric beating of activist Susannah Troy by the receptionist of a doctor who treats NY police officers and whom NYPD and Cy Vance are refusing to prosecute. There are countless others that the public is unaware of. Several months after moving into this hell hole I notified my billioniarei slumlord via two certified letters of a brown gooey substnace that had infested the bathroom ceilling. Soon after a Housing Preservation Development (HPD) inspector cited Phipps for mold. The "good doer" landlord refused to eradicate. End of Jan 2012 the brown gooey substance "mysteriously" disappeared. After the mold "mysteriously" disappeared I made a complaint to Housing Urban Development (HUD)as a result of my complaint the billionaire landlord had to upgrade the vents in two large buildings. This one and another one that is around the corner. This building has 33 floors with approximately 8 units on each floor. Each unit has at least two vents. This week Phipps in the process of continuing the upgrade for the vents. When I first moved here I was told that the building has an onsite social worker. I was shown the office (which demolished when lobby renovations were made in the lobby sometime around December 2013. I allege that the social worker was a no show or ghost position because in the time that I have been here I never saw ANYONE enter or leave the "supposed" social worker's office. Due to the mold problem in my unit I learned (and allege) that the company that billionaire weinstein contractors to test for mold is or was also ownded by the same individual(s) that he contracts to paint. V-Cloud does the painting and Consoliated Environmental tests for mold. Immediately Phipps began a retaliation campaign that started with a phone message giving me a 40 minute notice that contractors had been scheduled to clean my vents. This was the first and only time that Phipps informed me that they had scheduled contractors to do work in my unit. I informed Management that I had already planned my day and that that specific Friday, 2/3/2012 was not doable. I found the first of many fabricated and fraudulent letters that Phipps would leave at my door or mail to me at 5 pm on 2/3/12. The very same day that Phipps left a phone message giving me a 40 minute notice that contractors had been scheduled. In the first letter Phipps intentionally misuses the law, twisted the facts to make it appear as though I was breaking the lease agreement. While Phipps attempts to make it seem as though I was breaking the lease agreement it was Phipps that was breaking the law by failing to provide me with written advanced notice to access to my unit for contractors to do work . The second attempt resulted in a friviousl lawsuit because Weinstein/Phipps refused to reduce my rent when my unemployment benefits were exhausted and child support was drastcially reduced. When the attempts to get us illegally evicted failed I began to experience threats by building/neighborhood gang/crew members. On or about February 26, 2013 I did three quick back to back errands. For the moment I am going to leave out what happened first. Every time I left and entered the building a young black male was behind me. I thought coidences happen. On the third trip back up the young man and I were alone in the elevator. After the doors close he makes a gun sign and says, "assassin". Given what happened before I left the building (that I will later explain) the firt time coupled with the fact that the young man was always behind me every time I left and entered the building I took what he did in the elevator as a threat. This young man would resurace again after I sent Senator Kirsten Gillibrand a three page letter, an expired order of protection, one slip of one of several police reports, 911 Chronology of phone calls I made on the night of 9/6/13, copies of certified letters to FJC Security Services and my billionaire landlord Adam Weinstein. I made the mitake of asking Gillibrand for help to relocate and an investigation because NYPD stated that there is an NYPD policy that requires officer(s)/detective(s) must witness the harrasment before a detective is assigned to a case. None of the officers personally witnessed the harassment because the FJC Security Guard, specifically Junior Elie, would call the mob or strange men that they were sending up to our apartment without announcing them to let them know that NYPD had arrived. I am going to skip ahead to the child support case. On or about May 2012 I received a court order stating that child support was being drastically reduced. Support Magistrate (SM) brofosky decided violate the Family Court Act by using two paper copies of two paystubs and falsey claiming that I defaulted when in fact I was never served with court papers. In response to my Notice of Motion SM Borofsky states that I signed an Address Confidentiality Affidavit giving the court the burden to serve me with papers. I allege that SM Borofsky perjured himself because he was well aware that I signed the Address Confidentiality Affidavit in November 21, 2012. In other words I signed the Address Confidentiality Affidavit SEVEN (7) months AFTER SM Borofsky HAD already reduced child support. The Address Confidentiality Affidavit did not exist at the time that he drastically reduced child support yet here he was using it to justify the reduction. The same is true of Judge Susan Larabee when responding to the Objection to Support Magistrate Final Order that I submitted to the court on 8/15/2013. Judge Larabee disregard for the Family Court Act is also noticeable in her failure to address SM Borofsky failure making the father (who requested the downward modification) bare the burden of prove to have child support reduced with creditable financial documentation such as tax return, financials from the Social Security Administration, etc. I then appealed my case and made the mistake of requesting a court appointed attorney. First the appellate court attorney assigned was Randal Carmel. What a character. His story will follow... I made a motion to have Randal Carmel removed in June 2014. In August 2014 I got a letter from a Larry Saul Bachener informing me that he was my new appellate attorney. I was surprised to learn that the order was issued on 7/31/14 because on 7/31/14 I did several manual and computer searches. At no point did the Order surface. That was the first alarm. Then I get his letter from Bachner asking for my phone number and email address. That was the second alarm bell because I have given the court my address and home phone number. In the letter Bachner claims that he got the court record and that he was already working on my brief! Well, if he got the court record and was already working on my brief then he had my email address because I submitted a bunch of emails to and from Randal Carmel that contained my email address. I called Bachner several times but no one ever answerd the phone. I leave several voice messages but I never hear from Bachner. I then send Bachner certified letter #7013 2250 0000 6370 3900. According to the UPS Tracking history as of 8/25/14 Bachner had not claimed my certified letter. In one of my phone messages to Bachner I inform him that I sent him the certified letter because I wanted him to remove himself from the case at my request. When I called the Appeallate Court the Court Clerk told me that Bachner needed to do the motion. On 8/28/14 Bachner calls for the first time and leaves a disturbing message. In the message he introduces himself as my court appointed attorney. States that he was out of the country and that my brief was DONE! What's disturbing about this message is that Bachner and I never once spoke but yet my brief was done? How could Bachner possibily prepare a brief without ever speaking to his client? He also did my brief while he was out of the country. Does that mean he took the court record out of the country? Is this attorney so dedicated and devoted to my appeal that he would prepare it while out of the country? Within fifteen (15) minutes I return his call. I inform him that there is something wrong with an attorney who prepares a brief without ever having once spoken to his client. I inform him that I want him to do a motion to remove himself from the case but he refuses. I also inform him that I sent him the certified letter asking him to remove himself from the case. The letter went unclaimed. On 9/7/14 the USP Tracking history stated that the Bachner's unclaimed letter was on its way back to me. Roughyly three weeks later the letter was not retunred. I inquire at the post office with no results. I then call the 800.ask.usps and the unclaimed letter is "mysteriously" lost. On Tuesday, September 29the Elizabeth Corrbett asked me to email the USPS history of the certified letter I sent Bachner. The following morning Elizabeth Corbett claimed she did not get my email. She then told me that she was sending me a blank email so that I would have her mail and email the USPS tracking information she claimed she did not receive. I made the mistaken of opening Elizabeth email and that day my computer lit up like a christmas tree. That was the only email that I had opened in days. Prior to her email the computer did not have a virus... I am attaching the letters to and from Bachner, audio of his phone message on 8/28/14, and one or two other conversations with him and Elizabeth Corbett from the USPS, certified letter to Judge Luis A. Gonzalez requesting that the court provide me with a copy of the brief that Larry Saul Bachner submitted to the court on 9/2/14. On 9/8/14 I called the court and found out that Bachner had submitted a brief without my knowledg or consent. I had to write to Judge Gonzalez to request a copy of the brief because Bachner had not provided me with one. On 9/30/14 I made the terrible mistake of calling Roger Adler, the attorney who is allegedly investigating mayor bill de blasio's campaign donations/NYCLASS. I made this mistake after NYPD Intelligence called my house. I was amazed that Roger Adler took so much time to talk to me. I attaching audio where Adler is asking me about my last job. Was it a not for profit? Why was I terminated? What did my last job have to do with my reason for calling him? He tells me to call him back at 6:00 or 6:30 and the fool that I am I DO!! He answer the office by saying Roger Adler's office and he thanks ME for calling HIM?? What was I thinking? I very much regart ever calling Roger Adler. He left me with a bad taste in my mouth. To be continued.." imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">